Hello, my name is Tom, and I'm 15 years old. I turn 16 in June and am a Gemini, although I don't really get what that means. I have two pets, a dog and a cat, their names are Oreo and Messi respectively. I love walking my dog around the n eigh borhood and cuddling with my cat on my bed. My favorite things to do are play video games with friends or go do things outside with them, such as going to the mall o r going to one of their houses to take a sleep over. Other things I enjoy doing include cooking an then eating said food, swimming in pools, but not beaches, and going out to eat. I love my Mom and Dad and they both care for me a lot. I got my cat when I was very young during a soccer world cup where Argentina, my family's home country, was playing. I got my dog by adoption here in Florida. Although I was born in Florida, all my family except my parents live in Argentina and they where born there as well. I have 5 cousins who I see relatively regularly, as I only go vi...
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