Production Blog - Final Changes

Yesterday we got some good feed back from another group. Connors group gave us a lot of constructive ideas on what to improve on our video. We decided to make our final changes as soon as possible. Mostly to not forget what they told us yesterday. We needed to see what changes we could make that would make our video more entertaining yet professional. We started looking back at the feedback. One thing they said was about the music. We went back and thought about how to fix the disconnect. We decided on just switching the music to something that fit better. Once we did that, it improved immensely. All we had to do was listen to the feedback and our video was much more entertaining. The audience will likely enjoy it more after the change. Another suggestion was actually a big problem we hadn't noticed. luckily they caught it . If they hadn't the video would have been much less professional. The issue was that the software made the video buggy. We had to go in and find the issue. We found out it was a problem many had before us. We were able to fix it by tweaking some setting in the software. We are now finally finished with the final edits to out video. We will upload it soon once we figure out how to do it effectively.


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