
 This project was great and very fun. It was truly a learning experience for me. One thing I learned how to do was something technical. That thing was learning how to upload to YouTube. The way you do it was slightly complicated. I had to first make it on my phone, which was not a new experience in of itself. Then I needed to send it to my computer. I used email for this and just sent it to myself. I then downloaded it on my computer. Once I did, I opened my YouTube and clicked the upload button. I had to find the video in my files and select it. once I did, I just had to wait for it to fully upload to YouTube. Once it did I had to choose a thumbnail, make it public, and click finish. That was the entirety of making a YouTube video, and I feel like I could now do it again whenever I want to. Putting the project together proved to not be very difficult. It was just the process of finding all the components and then inserting them into my editing software. Once I did this the hardest part was uploading it to YouTube. In my next project I feel I could make it longer. I may also be able to choose more representing images than I did this time. Overall, I feel I did well with the prompt and feel I have slight changes I could make in the future. Thank you for the chance of learning something new with project, and I really hope I can continue to learn new Things.


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